
Showing posts from March, 2018

Women making scientific history-----

Women making scientific history Women’s History Month  celebrates the contributions of women and their vital role in American history and contemporary society. Scientific history is no exception — women have made incredible contributions to scientific exploration and are an irreplaceable asset in the American science and engineering enterprise. The  National Science Board’s  Science and Engineering Indicators 2018  reports that while women remain underrepresented in science and engineering (S&E), it is less so than in the past. According to the report: “In 2015, women constituted 50 percent of the college-educated workforce, 40 percent of employed individuals whose highest degree was in an S&E field, and 28 percent of those in S&E occupations.” Since 1993, this is an increase of 7 percent, 10 percent, and 5 percent, respectively. Although women’s representation in science has increased overall, their representation across different S&E fields v...